Services Offered:
- Injury Prevention
- Injury Rehabilitation
- Fitness programs
- Strength and conditioning programs
- Flexibility and mobility programs
- Muscular and fascial release
- Body fat and muscular % testing machine on site - No calipers are used in this process
Special Services:
- Behavior Interventionist for children with Autism
General Information about sessions:
- Standard session length is 55 minutes, unless shorter or longer sessions are requested
- Wear clean clothing and shoes which you can move comfortably in
- There is a water container always filled with cups provided, but you may bring your own water bottle if desired
- No gym membership is required for kinesiology services
- There is a washroom/change room available
Your Benefits Could Cover Kinesiology
- Ask if your benefits provider if they cover Kinesiology
- Kinesiology can be covered under many subcategories of your benefits. Such as; Athletic Therapy, Personal Training, or Injury Prevention.
BCAK Membership Number: 2013116
ICBC Vendor Information
- If you or someone you know are currently in an open claim with ICBC, you may request to work with a Kinesiologist